I wrote a post about gun laws, but I’m not going to post that today. Another day perhaps, maybe later in the week. The truth is I’m tired. I’m too bogged down with what is going on in my own life, in my immediate vicinity, to make the effort to scream across the water at…
Category: Ramblings
Because that is business
A cloud, a dark cloud, has settled over our house. It isn’t visible, and if you come to visit you will never suspect that it is there, obstructing our view, preventing us from seeing the future, a bright future, a future that fills us with hope. Oh, of course, we have to remain hopeful, for…
View from a bed
I’m in bed. Recuperating from a hysterectomy. I have a way of downplaying things that happen to me. I tend to speak about seemingly big things like they aren’t big things at all. I think if I do this I am in effect minimising the magnitude of what has happened to me. I downplayed my…
On David Bowie and the non-love of music
David Bowie died yesterday. I am an 80s child, and he was an icon in the era of 80s music. Yet, whilst I am sad for the loss his family will feel — so very sad for that — I am largely unmoved. Everywhere I look, people are mourning. Tributes are pouring in and the…
Happily demented – life, love, connections and no memory
I’ve been rethinking things. This week has been difficult. For me, but for my extended family most of all. One of our family members has advanced Alzheimers and after 54 years of marriage, the very very difficult decision has been made to finally place her, gently, in a home. Being a carer takes so much…
On reflection
I hug my dad tightly and as I do, tears spring to my eyes. This takes me completely by surprise. In the past, our relationship has been fraught. I have never been able to admit it before, but he and I are so very much alike. Opinionated, hot headed, kind, passionate. We have clashed because…
Storytellers are going to save the world
Do you know what I love? I love storytellers. And I love storytelling. I particularly love storytellers who tell stories about their own lives. I like those moments in time, the snap shots that tell me a little bit about you, the human you, the vulnerable you. And I think deep down inside we are…
The Rolling Pin
“I think I will bake.” I say to myself. It is uncommon for me to want to bake – I have never been good at baking – but I am at home on my own, and slightly bored. I am reading Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert and feel the need to create something. I’ve seen a…
The unchartered road to finding our bravery
When I was a child, despite my turbulent and chaotic homelife, I believe I was somewhat brave. When I was 8, my mom would get me to sing “Scarborough Fair” in front of her friends because she loved my voice so much. I would also sing “Amazing Grace”, a song she loved so much that…
Recently I saw a question being posed asking how the women in the forum felt about women having the right to go topless. That if, as a woman, you wanted to walk down your street with no clothes on top, like a man enjoys now, you would have the right to do so. A plethora of…