Over the past, oh I don’t know, decade maybe, I have become really ranty. Friends, family and those of you who have followed me for some time in my other blogs will know this. I can’t quite decide if this is cultural, or perhaps an age thing, or perhaps a social media thing. Probably the…
Tag: advocacy
Autism is not a disease!
One of the things that has come to light since my Autism diagnosis is when my core values appear to me to be either under threat or are being transgressed in any way, I become very black and white in my thinking. I’ll admit, this came as a bit of a shock. Whilst I have…
I am who I am
I wake up with a familiar gnawing in my gut. I feel sick. Sleep eluded me last night, nightmares filling my brain with terror. I feel the swell of my ever increasing abdomen on the bed. Middle age has not been kind to my body. Dave used to spoon me in bed and bend his…
Strong people: we need you to fight for our world
Recently, I was asked if I would consider standing as a councillor on our local Council. I laughed out loud. I’m pretty vocal in my own little community. I belong to an Owner’s Corporation that is only three years old. The inaugural committee at the time was pretty punitive in its approach, egged on by…
The yin and yang of the week that was
So this is how my week has been: We withdrew Master J from school. Only a term before the end of VCE, only a term before the end of his entire 13 year career. We withdrew him because he could take it no longer. He could no longer endure the place that promised us that they…
How the media is swallowing Mrs Peregrine and democracy
When I was 32, I decided I wanted to do a Creative Writing degree at Chichester University in the UK. Since it had been some time since I had studied and I hadn’t already received a degree, I had to do an Access to Tertiary Studies course in the form of a Diploma of Liberal…
Autism, the puzzle piece that refuses to fit, and thank goodness for that
“I’m dropping out of school!” The words ring in my ears. Desperation. Hurt. Anger. Anguish. I see all of these things when I look into his eyes. “Love…” “Don’t talk mum, I am DROPPING OUT OF SCHOOL!” He has reached implosion point. “I’m 18, I don’t fucking well have to stay in school.” It’s true,…
Autism – we need to ask a different question
“You do know I am the next step in evolution?” Master J says this to me often. He hates it when we watch programs on TV that talk of eradicating autism, like autistic children are the scourge of society. “Why is it that people love X-Men, Mum, want them to win, despite their mutations, but…
Recently I saw a question being posed asking how the women in the forum felt about women having the right to go topless. That if, as a woman, you wanted to walk down your street with no clothes on top, like a man enjoys now, you would have the right to do so. A plethora of…
I’m at it again. I have turned into THAT mother, again. The one where when teachers see me coming, they groan, roll their eyes and wish to goodness the world would open up and swallow them whole. Or me, maybe they want the world to swallow me whole. Either way, I am THAT mother. Last year,…