And so it has arrived. The relief. The overwhelming unadulterated release. After 10 months and 4 days of unemployment, Mr C has finally been offered a job. He got the phone call. I heard him talking. I knew it was THE call. After three interviews, we hoped it would be what we wanted to hear….
Tag: unemployment
The yin and yang of the week that was
So this is how my week has been: We withdrew Master J from school. Only a term before the end of VCE, only a term before the end of his entire 13 year career. We withdrew him because he could take it no longer. He could no longer endure the place that promised us that they…
Stream of consciousness
I wrote a post about gun laws, but I’m not going to post that today. Another day perhaps, maybe later in the week. The truth is I’m tired. I’m too bogged down with what is going on in my own life, in my immediate vicinity, to make the effort to scream across the water at…