Hi there mom,
How are you (wherever you are)?
Today is your birthday. It is a normal Thursday. A day that started off like any other. Except for the knowing that you were gone.
Grief. It wrenches us from the normality of the day into a deep dark chasm from which we fear we will never emerge. My heart aches so so much.
I miss you mom. I want you to be sitting opposite me, in this beautiful vintage booth with its plush upholstered seats, pretending we are members of the 50s rat pack, sipping coffee and laughing. I miss laughing. With you.
Tears. They roll so freely when I think of the rest of my life without you. Cold.
How on earth do people manage it? How do they carry on? How did you carry on when your mother died so young? Did you think about her every single day? Did you want to call her countless times in a week just to hear her voice? Did you ache to tell her your celebrations and to be comforted when life handed you tragedy? Did you pray that her spirit was somewhere close by, always? Did it get any easier?
Birthdays. A day of celebration. Not today. Not for me.
No daughter should be without her mother too early. Ever. It tears the fabric of her existence. Father time, feel free to step in any time to heal this grief.
I want to tell you all the everyday things that happen in our life, mom. I can’t seem to find the words.
Instead, know that you were more significant than I think you ever realised, that you touched everyone who met you, that you meant and mattered so much. Know that love is too little a word to describe how I feel about you.
Have a good long rest, mom. Mizpah.
From my heart to yours,
Sarah, I sent a comment, but it disappeared so I thought I should write again. Thank you for your words, for understanding grief. Mother grief. I wish Father time would listen, but I guess, if he were a mother he’d understand and give us back our Mums. Big hugs to you. Pass the tissues….
Ah Rach, Thank you for your lovely comment. Hugs to you my friend. Lots and lots of love xx
Sarah that is so beautiful! I make sure that I spend as much time as I can with my own Mum and to tell her how much she means to me because you just never know. I don’t know what I’d do without her. My heart aches for you. Thinking of you today. xx
Thanks Deb. Losing my mom has had the most profound effect on my life. More than I ever imagined it would. Love your mum as much as you can xx
Beautiful Sarah. x
Thank you x