Hello my friends,
How has your week been?
I want to tell you that mine has been awful.
I want to tell you that poor Mr C has really struggled with his spinal surgery, that things just have not been going right for him lately. I want to tell you how Master J has struggled this week with hay fever, and stress of school, and has been all over the place emotionally. I want to tell you that all this stress has been playing havoc with my depression despite my best efforts to give up sugar and take better control of my health. I want to tell you that I have thought so much about drinking this week that for a moment I forgot why the hell I became sober in the first place. I want to tell you that I nearly, very nearly, crumpled in a heap on the floor and just gave up.
Instead, I’m going to show you stuff I made. Because creativity helps me when I’m under stress. Because I need to do something with my hands that isn’t housework when I am living so badly inside of my head that it feels like it is going to explode. Because, I just need to feel like I have some control over something in my life.
They aren’t perfect, but someone somewhere in this world is going to get them anyway. And who knows, they might inspire you to get on your bike and do your own creations.
They are all so gorgeous Sarah. I noticed yesterday that there was something in the air that reminded me of Christmas. Must be almost time to get out the Christmas music! This is one of my favourite Christmas songs. It’s by a gospel artist, but it hits me right where I need it, every Christmas time. I don’t know how to share music without youtube, so ignore the clip, just close your eyes and listen. Big hugs X
Thank you so much Rachel. Love the song. Have a lovely weekend xx
Your card are so beautiful Sarah. They will be sure to put a smile on the face of their recipients. I find getting lost in the moment of creativity is the best thing for the soul. For me it is my form of meditation. And it’s a win/win
Thank you very much for your kind words Deb. I do get lost in my creativity. In fact, it has been known for my family to go hungry if I am crafting!!
I love your advent! Keep making things and hang in there toots. It really IS always darkest before the dawn. Love to you. xxxx
Hi Pip, and thank you so much for your beautiful words. They encourage me so much and spur me to continue. Love to you too xx
I love your creations! Thanks for visiting RedAgape Blog. I’m so happy to have found you as I think we have a bit in common. 🙂 #craftastherapy 🙂
Thanks for stopping by Mandy and I love the #craftastherapy xx