In telling our stories, we often forget to tell about the mundane. You know, the life that we live on a day to day basis.
Today, I thought I would give you some insight into the day I had. It is mundane, regular and real.
I encourage you to do the same.
When my mom died we had very little written documentation of her life. Very few pictures, and those that existed no-one that remained had any idea who they were. What I really struggled with was the memories of what her life was like. She told us of course, throughout the course of our upbringing, but when she died, for the life of me I couldn’t remember them.
Telling a story of what life is like in the normal course of your day has more value than you will ever know. Believe me when I say that the legacy it will become matters very much.
It may seem boring and unimportant, but it isn’t.
And it doesn’t have to take long. A few photos taken throughout the course of the day, a few words to explain the photos and you are done.
A day in the life is recorded for all posterity.
Today is Tuesday the 4th November 2014. I am living in Melbourne. It was a warm 27 degrees today – an extremely late start to the summer season. It was also Melbourne Cup day – a horse race that stops the nation. I am not a fan of the race particularly. I don’t like gambling and the treatment of the horses. A horse died today. It proves my point.
My day started late. I woke up at 8am and for some reason I struggled to get into the day. Eventually of course, I had to get up and get showered.
I had to put my clothes that I was going to wear on the floor because Mr C had already opened the blinds and since our house faces the road, I wasn’t really into humiliating myself by exposing all my nudie self to all and sundry. Yep, that is my bra and pants {I didn’t really think this diary entry through very well did I?}
After my shower, I had to pop on my wig, because I now no longer have hair. You may note that the clothes I am wearing are not those clothes that are on the floor. I decided against those {which, of course, is a woman’s prerogative}.
We bought a king size bed yesterday – so excited about that – so we need to make space for it. Took these photos to place on Gum Tree to sell it.
We are completely redoing the bedroom. Finally a room that will become my sanctuary. I bought these yesterday from Spotlight Stores, a homeware and craft store that I absolutely adore. I’m thinking aqua will be the prominent colour – very calming.
We had a day out planned, but first I had a couple of chores to do. First there was the laundry. I am not a fan of this job at all. But it was such a lovely warm day, I had to take advantage of getting the washing on the line. Just as well really, as our old tumble drier went on the blink this morning. It is about 12 years old so has done really well. We will have to replace it come the winter. In the mean time, good old sun and air will do.
I also had to tidy the study. I have been doing a lot of crafting of late and it had become a real mess.
After my chores had been done, it was time for some fun. First up, Mr C and I met up with gorgeous Miss J and Baby C for coffee. It goes without saying that I adore these two people. Unfortunately Master J was at home doing a SAC for VCE. A last minute job, but he got it done on time (so I am told).
Baby C got a little impatient with just sitting and waiting for us grown ups to finish talking and drinking and so I took him outside for a play. I loved the angles of these buildings so so much. Baby C made friends immediately with another little boy. I love how children have no inhibitions, how they can just walk up to each other and say, without speaking, “hey, let’s be friends”. It was a delight to watch them laugh and play. Eventually Baby C became tired and wanted to cuddle and go inside. His new friend cried. That is what it’s like as a toddler. They play with passion and cry when it ends.
Eventually we visited Ikea. I once read of someone who had a fear of Ikea as they had a feeling that once they entered, they would never leave. I know how they feel.
I quite liked this table though for Master J’s lounge. We are replacing his lounge suite and I think this would go really well. I really like the simplicity of this piece. Easy to keep clean too and with two shelves.
Once we got home, I rested a bit to chat to some friends online. I love technology and the ease with which I can connect with people online. It has opened up a whole new world to me and I love that. I have made some very close friends in the blogging world and I am so very very thankful for them.
After dinner (no picture – I forgot), I performed my nightly ritual of removing my hair and getting into my pyjamas. The end of the day has been signalled and now I am enjoying a quiet evening of relaxation, writing a post for my blog, sitting with my family, watching the 1993 movie of Demolition Man which is making me all nostalgic. I was only 27 years old then and yet it doesn’t seem that long ago. Watching it makes me realise just how far movies have come. Now they seems so lifelike, almost too real. I wonder how it will be another 20 years. By the way, that is Lulu our neurotic but adorable maltese-shitzu sitting with me.
And there you have it. My mundane, very normal, but lovely day.
How was yours? Worth documenting? You bet it is.
Until next time,
This is why I scrapbook (and blog)
Me too Cate. Blogging is a great legacy to leave.