I overslept. I hate it when that happens.
The dogs kept me awake barking all night. I have no idea what it was, but almost every hour on the hour, Harry would bark. I would get up, walk over to the laundry (where they sleep at night), yell at him to shut up and then crawl back into bed. Over 5 consecutive hours the ritual continued.
I did not wake up full of unicorns and sunshine!
To make matters worse, throughout the course of the weekend, I had forgotten to wash uniforms and PE kits and so I spent the (already late) morning running around trying to scramble some clean clothing together.
Then I got an email from my dad (I know, don’t ask me how I managed to find time to check my emails, but I did). He sent me this photo of a memorial cross that he lays every year on Rememberence Day (which is tomorrow) for my grandfather who fought in Africa and Italy in the war. How beautiful does it look in all that foliage?

Grief, it is a funny old thing.
I just stared at that photo.
Yesterday, I had gone to a scrapbooking group that I attend every month. Well, I am meant to attend every month, but this year has been the year from hell and so yesterday, November, was the first one I had attended this year. It was delightful. Everybody hugged me and told me how beautiful my hair was {because of course, they had not seen my new hair that I got in April}.
I had just grabbed a couple of photograph envelopes from the box without even looking and a few supplies.
When I opened them up, they were of my mom and my grandad.
Grief, fuck grief.
And so this morning, my dad sent me that photograph and I was sleep deprived and late and disorganised and still feeling a little sad from yesterday and, well, it was all too much, so I cried.
Then, after I managed to drop Master J off at school on time and with a (relatively) clean uniform to boot, I went for my usual coffee, logged online to my beautiful mentoring group to let them know about my hideous start to the week.
There must be something in the air (moon issues perhaps?) because two other people in my group also had a hideous start to the morning. We all agreed that we needed to tell Monday to, frankly, fuck off.
I have never been a fan of Mondays. Ever.
I have never looked at it with excitement thinking “OMG this is the start of a beautiful new week!”
Even as a child my parents could never stir me on the first day of the school week. Tuesday and the rest of the week was fine, but Mondays? Just not my thing!
And so I present to you today’s card. I would love to receive this card, because well, I hate Mondays. The person that gave this card to me would have hit it right on the nail. And I figured if I hate Mondays, then hey, there must be at least one other person who hates Mondays too!
The card required nothing more than a simple saying. I created it using parchment card stock bought at Office Works, and the saying was created with the print and cut function of the Silhouette Cameo – very simple and easy to do.
Not the nicest sentiment perhaps, but sometimes you’ve just got to go with the flow, you know?
And so I leave you with this – a song that has been my Monday mantra since it was released when I was 10!
Until next time,