It’s the school holidays.
And during this time I spend a lot of time “lounging”.
Take this morning for example. It’s 10am and I am still in bed.
Yep, I’m in my PJs, tea on my bedside table, dogs firmly ensconced either side of me (wedged into me so tightly I cannot move) and my laptop is resting on a pillow to make typing more comfortable. It’s chucking buckets down outside and I can see the palm trees in my front garden blowing in the gusty wind. My bedroom is light filled and peaceful, and I don’t intend moving for a while.
It’s a crime to some people I know. I can hear my dad’s voice now reminding me that the best part of the day is already over, that it is the early bird that catches the worm and probably a dozen other cliched sayings that promote the early riser.
The thing is I am taking care of myself.
I know that I meant to be up and about, doing stuff. Because doing stuff gets us out of our rut.
But I don’t need to be doing stuff right now. I need to be, well, simply being.
In honesty, I have never been an early riser. Ever. I think my circadian rhythm is definitely set well past dawn.
But even that besides, there are days when I just need to rest.
Lately my mind has been filled with too much stuff:
There’s the housework, and the corners in my house that need reorganising and decluttering, and Master J and his year 11 homework, and my blog that could do with refining, and my new blog that I am hoping to unveil that really needs work because I haven’t even got a single post out yet, and there is something wrong with it because the home button doesn’t link to the home page and it won’t update when I do an update even though I saved it. Then there is the committee in my local Owners Corporation neighbourhood. People are contacting me because they are upset with how things are being run and being in community development, I imparted some knowledge and that person on Facebook didn’t like that so they had a go at me but other people liked it so they want me to join the committee. And then of course, there are the 20 or so e-courses that I have joined because well, I like the idea of learning but apparently not the idea of doing, so they are sitting there, bought and paid for but not learned. And there was that awful business about gay marriage. Why do those things affect me so? And then there are my friends. I’m not making much of an effort with them. I do hope they understand and I do hope they won’t feel abandoned. Then there is this weight I am trying to shift which I swear is never going to go because I know that nothing changes if nothing changes, but I don’t have the energy to change it and so it doesn’t change. And I worry about my daughter. Is she coping with her new job and how is her life with her partner and son? And there is parenting a child on the spectrum who is going through so much at the moment which is increasing his anxiety and his aggression which is upsetting to watch and to be a part of. And I am wishing all this chatter in my brain would stop and I can feel the pain in my head rise, and the fogginess increase. I can’t think clearly and I know I am drowning, and so I start to wish I was drinking again and that is really not good. But then I think that I was maybe more fun drunk, that life was more fun drunk. But I wasn’t and life wasn’t. But being drunk felt good. It felt like nothing mattered. Until the next day of course. Then it mattered a lot. It hurt both inside and out. And I can’t do that again. But that allure, that drink, sits there taunting me. Because my mind is full and buzzing and swirling and I am sinking.
And so you see, I need to be in bed. Resting. Just being.
So my mind has time to calm down.
Because I really don’t want to take that drink.
Because if I take that drink it won’t matter what goes on in my head.
And I really don’t want to take that drink.
Because that drink represents so much more than it could ever imagine. A world of pain and destruction.
And I don’t want to go down that road again. I’ve come this far.
I just need rest.
Resting is good. Bed is good. Having dogs on bed and palm trees now gently blowing outside my window is good.
Talking to you about this stuff is especially good.
Thanks for that.
(PS if you are struggling with your addiction today, you totally have my full permission to stay in bed)
Much love,
I totally stay in bed on weekend and holidays. I feel guilty when I see all those others out there doing their kids activities, being out and about, but like you my default wake up time is around 9-10 am. So I let myself be.
Oh I am so glad I am not the only one. I think days like these are really good for the soul! Thanks Dorothy xx
It sounds like you are doing a wonderful thing for yourself and ignoring the ‘peer’ pressure to get up and be all bouncy and productive. Heck, I would call this post pretty productive.
Can I just make a little confession? I feel like a bit of a loser as I realized I have not really been to your blog very much and I have popped in twice in a week now!
Sorry for not coming over with cake before, but I am here now! Fancy a slice? Tea?
Thanks Clare and yes, indeed, I would LOVE a cup of tea and slice of cake – YUM!
Good for you, and well done for resisting that cruel urge that most of us can know nothing about. I’m sure it’s genetically coded and I’m lucky it missed me, my lifelong friend is in recovery, she’s just celebrated her 5th “birthday” so proud of her. Nowadays when she has dealt with life’s issues she’ll tell me “and I did it all without a drink” and that’s just what you are doing, so be proud.
Anyway, you’re working from your office! Just what I do when I get a bit of backache, and yes, two Jack Russell’s are my office companions!
Bless you for being so strong
Hi Bec, and thanks for your comment. I admit to justifying myself by declaring I’m just working in a different room :-). I have been sober for 5 and a half years now. It does feel good. xx
Definitely keep resting, just keep being. The world doesn’t need you to be up and rushing about, but you need you to be still.
Thanks Dani. It has certainly been a day of rest today and it has been very much needed. xx
You are very brave and self aware Sarah. Rest up and keep it up! Xx
Thank you very much Sarah xx
Thank you for being so open and honest. Sometimes it takes more courage to stop and be still than it does to just keep ploughing through. Hope the rest is a balm for heart and mind.
Thanks Robyna. It has been a good day of rest and hopefully will be a better day tomorrow xx
When I really don’t want to take that drink (it’s been nearly two years) I try hard to just be kind to myself. Maybe it makes me look selfish but I like to hide away too until I can get my busy mind to settle. I remind myself that I am a much, much better person when I don’t drink and I make better decisions too.
Much love to you on days like these.
Thank you Sandra and congratulations on your near two years! I agree that bunkering down is sometimes needed and I have woken up this morning feeling a lot better and more motivated, so it worked, YAY! I am also a much better person when I don’t drink, and thankfully nowadays the urge is few and far between and fleeting. xx
What a refreshingly honest, reflective, and vulnerable post! Love your writing. Thank you for sharing that like all of us–we are not perfect. There are days we want to stay in bed to recenter and nurture ourselves. We have excess pounds to lose. We don’t have a “perfect” family or a “perfect” home. And that’s okay. We’re good enough.
Hi Nicole and thank you for you very kind words. It is so appreciated lovely xx
It’s rare to read such an honest and raw piece online. Thanks for honoring us with your courage and your vulnerability.
Hi Daniela, thank you so much for your lovely words. They mean so much to me. xx
I hope that day in bed did the trick, and if not you keep being resourceful in finding ways to take care of you. Your writing is so great Sarah, all the best launching your new venture. ( oh and I am So glad to know I am not the only one who over commits to online courses, I also do it with books) Emily 🙂
Hi Sarah,
Sounds as if you’re doing exactly the right thing for yourself by having a quiet day.
Apart from the 19 e-courses are you still at Deakin? Hope so.
When I was getting sober the most important thing was not to drink. Sometimes other things didn’t go so well but if I’d stayed alcohol-free the day was a success anyway.
In October this year I’ll be 35 years sober. Sometimes truly awful things have happened but I haven’t resorted to alcohol. And ……. I’ve had many days when I haven’t been able to do much but sit and read a book, listen to music or watch a film. That’s OK too.
I think you probably do a great deal with your life, knowing a little about your children and other things. . You deserve a day in bed, or however it is that you rest every so often.
Take care and enjoy. – Kate
Hi Kate and thank you so much for your kind words of wisdom. 35 years is an amazing achievement. I’m still sober, just one day at a time, and as you say that in itself is a success. xx
You’re slowing down, paying attention to you cues and doing what’s right and best for you. It’s so wonderful that you are aware of your triggers and have a strategy for coping with these times. Much love.
Thank you very much Trudie, for your kind words. They are very much appreciated xx