I sat crying in the passenger seat of my car. I was shaking uncontrollably. Outside, the sun beat down, stifling each breath I took. How did I get to this point? Mr C gently took my hand. “If you aren’t ready, we don’t have to do this today.” I shook my head. No, if I…
Category: Alcoholism
It’s 3:30am. I’ve been awake since 2:30am. It’s pouring with rain outside and it’s freezing. Whenever it rains at night, especially that hard driving miserable rain, I think of the homeless. I lay in bed, snuggled under my duvet and blanket and I imagine how awful it must be for them trying to stave off…
It’s the school holidays. And during this time I spend a lot of time “lounging”. Take this morning for example. It’s 10am and I am still in bed. Yep, I’m in my PJs, tea on my bedside table, dogs firmly ensconced either side of me (wedged into me so tightly I cannot move) and my…
Book Review : Craft for the Soul
*First up, this is not in any way shape or form a sponsored post. This is simply my experience, which I hope, you the wonderful reader of my blog, will find interesting, and perhaps, too, a little uplifting.* Since becoming sober five and a bit years ago, I have been on a quest. A quest…
I was talking to a friend the other day about my childhood. In my early teenage years, my dad’s drinking had become untenable for us as a family. My dad was probably in the lowest place he could possibly be emotionally, ravaged by the grip of alcohol and a life in which he felt trapped….
Hello! Today I celebrate five years of sobriety. Yep, this day, in 2010, was the first full day I had without any alcohol and I haven’t had a drink since. Since it is a pretty big milestone, I thought I would share what they call in AA my drinking story. By recognising and looking back…
Alcoholism, Autism and Death
October 2010. 10 months into the year – the year that has decidedly been the annus horribilus of my 42 years of life. This year, I discovered I was an alcoholic, my son was diagnosed with autism and my mother died. Add into the mix an 18-year old daughter who took it upon herself to…
Powerless over Alcohol
Day 2: I am powerless over alcohol. No-one likes to admit this and I am no exception. I have known, of course, for years that this is the case, but like any grieving process, I was in denial. People who are alcoholics do grieve. They grieve the loss of being that good time person, the…