I’m on the 2:30 train to Cranbourne. I’ve just met a new friend, Jane, in Melbourne where we spent three lovely hours wandering around the Art of Banksy exhibition followed by a wonderful lunch at Dymocks bookshop. I had vegan shepherds pie accompanied by ginger & lemon tea. I’m feeling tired but also a little…
Tag: Anxiety
The ticking time bomb of death
“I have Barrett’s Oesophagus” I look up at Mr C. He has just walked in from being at the gastroenterologist. I am in the kitchen, preparing food. He sits down on the bar stool. “I have Barrett’s Oesophagus,” he repeats. I don’t know what that means. I look quizzically at him. “It’s where the lining…
A love note to myself {and I encourage you to do the same}
Below is a love letter to myself. It is Day 12 of the #reverb14 and this was the task for today. I found it incredibly difficult to write. It felt narcissistic and wrong. And yet, by doing so I was able to acknowledge the value of myself as a person. As a person with depression…
Out with black and white, in with shades of grey
The world is not black and white. It is in fact full of shades of grey, with a good heap of colour, definitely not black and white. Yet, as humans, we are committed to this notion that life has to be exactly that – black and white, right or wrong, yes or no. It is…
Master J finished school on Friday. He bounced into the car, full of as much joy as a nearly 17 year old boy can muster. “I’m done. I’m done for 8 weeks.” I smiled. I love the school holidays. It is just he and I at home. Mornings are lazy. No time frame constraints…
Breakthroughs, hope and moving forward
I’ve been awake since 3am. I am not going to be good company today, not least because it’s highly unlikely I’m going to be able to stay awake past midday. And it’s my cleaning day today, because Tom the Cleaner comes tomorrow. Because that’s what we do, we clean tidy for the cleaner. Well you…
Creativity – the cure-all for feeling crap
Hello my friends, How has your week been? I want to tell you that mine has been awful. I want to tell you that poor Mr C has really struggled with his spinal surgery, that things just have not been going right for him lately. I want to tell you how Master J has struggled…
Don’t judge the depressive person – be their seratonin buddy
A friend of mine and I were talking the other day. We were talking about depression. She hates that I can reach such deep lows. She hates that I can even have a dalliance with the idea of suicide. She sees the beauty in me as a person, the value in what I am and…
An ode to the rainbow and the uniqueness of its colours
I’m going to struggle to find the words. I know I am. The words to describe the warmth I feel right now. The words to describe that despite still feeling dark in places, the light is beginning to find its way through. The words to describe what it feels like to find a group of…
HALT – you need to take care of yourself
When I became sober, one of the things I learned at AA was an acronym called HALT. It stands for Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired. These are the things that can be the death knoll for the recovering alcoholic. Those things that put our sobriety at risk. I have learned that the same applies to…